Finding out the answers to these questions is probably the best thing you can do to have a better relationship with your feline friend.
A cat’s behavior varies from dogs and of course, from us, humans. Their ways of communicating is pretty complicated and includes lots of combinations – a hundred different ways of combinations!
Just like you and me, cats have different ways of communicating. We can’t easily pick up on our feline friend’s subtler expressions since they have their own vocabulary, so to speak.
Cats regularly ‘speak’ to their owners but as humans, we’re so dent on speech that we don’t ‘see’ or ‘feel’ what our cats want to say.
Sometimes the purr means ‘I am hungry’ or the hiss means ‘I am angry’ but it can also have a total different meaning altogether.
Although their vocabulary is outstanding, they also use their body to communicate and say what they want, mean or need.
If there is a way for you to know how your cat can communicate with you and with other cats, then it would be easier for you to tell how they feel and it’s easy for you to train and teach them.
Unlike dogs, cats don’t communicate noisily. Since most cats are always regal in their manner, they have a simpler and subtle way of showing you what they’re trying to say, what they feel, what they need and why they’re angry.
The first thing you need to do is listen.
Listen to when your cat purrs, hisses or makes any other sound. Never ignore the sounds that come out of his mouth as he may be trying to tell you something.
Next is to watch his body language, his movements and understand what happens next. Cats are able to give you a reason for making sounds or why they move this way and that and you’ll be able to understand what they’re trying to say by just listening and observing him.
The sounds that come from your cat also have different pitches, intensity and volume. It definitely reflects what he feels and what he needs.
Usually, a loud meow tells you that he’s anxious or afraid, while a low-sounding meow means that he’s a bit confident or contented.
Different sounds that your cat can make can be a murmur or a purr, meow and high-intensity growls and howls. A purr can also mean your cat is showing his affection to you. They purr when you stroke them or rub their sides.
Your cat moves in different ways and combinations as well. Watch the way he moves his eyes, ears, tail and his whole body for that matter, and you can easily tell what’s on his mind.
Cats take on different positions in different types of circumstances.
For example, a smooch is when your cat starts rubbing himself against your legs. Unfortunately, this usually happens when you’re about to eat. It’s his way of begging for food, subtle aren’t they?
However, most movements made by cats are better simplified to say, ‘come closer’ or ‘go away.’ Rolling over and showing you her tummy is one way of him trying to say, ‘come closer.’
While arching his back, puffing up his tail in a stiffened way, baring his teeth and showing you his claws is what he means by ‘go away!’
It’s easy to understand how cats communicate if you just know how to listen and observe. Once you get the hang of it, the rest is up to you. It would now be easier for you to teach and train your cat the way you want him to behave.