The question here is: is it good and is it safe to do so? Just like any child, your feline friend would plead for any piece of food it can put its paw on or anything that is within their reach but their anatomy is different and so are their nutritional needs.
We’ve all heard of “puppy eyes” but not all of us have heard of “kitten meows”. It’s that baby-like crying meow sound your cat makes with its tiny face and big eyes, which means, “Please feed me”.
Cat owners are left with the daunting task of resisting this begging ordeal. But are they right on their part? Can cats eat human food? And if yes, what human food can cats eat?
Well, cat owners can rest in peace after knowing the fact that there are certain food items that cats can eat. According to researchers, a cat’s digestive system is totally different from that of a human, but small quantities of food can still be fed to cats.
Here the word “small” is significant; the food items must be given to cats in small amounts, as treats. Just don’t make a habit of feeding your cat with bread and butter along with a healthy cup of orange juice because you’ll end up damaging their health.
Here are a few examples of the types of human food your cat can eat.
- Fish is one meal you can share with your cat. Canned or steam-cooked fish pieces, bone free, can make a tasty treat for your feline. Big chunks are forbidden as they have too big amounts of mercury, fatty acids and magnesium that are not good for a cat. Also, raw fish can cause food poisoning; while an all-fish diet is a good recipe for malnutrition.
- Cheese is great in small pieces. Adult cats have lactose intolerance and milk, cream, cheese and other dairy products are dangerous for them. But from time to time, it’s alright to reward your cat with tiny cubes of cheese. A teaspoon of cream or yogurt is also welcomed.
- Broccoli and spinach can replace grass for an indoor cat and help it clear its digestive system. Cats should be made to eat vegetables when they need some digestive green helpers. House cats usually attack apartment plants that can be toxic for them. Steamed broccoli is a good and healthy replacement, so offer it to your cat anytime you see it chewing your garden flowers. Melons could be a refreshing summer-day treat from the veggie department. Before offering it to your cat, make sure to remove all the seeds as cats may inhale them, which might choke their throat.
- Eggs are a good source of protein for cats, as long as they’re cooked. Try hard-boiled eggs or scrambled oil free eggs but don’t offer raw eggs to your cat; they may be infected with salmonella, a contagious bacterial disease.
- Turkey ham pieces will turn your grumpy morning cat into a happy morning cat. Preservatives-free ham, salami and other alike meat-based products are a good bribe for any cat, as long as they come in small portions. Boiled beef will satisfy your cat’s appetite for meat. Avoid fatty portions of meat because cats are prone to weight issues.
- Canned baby food is also another good bribe for fussy cats. If you’re dealing with a picky cat or one with sensible stomach or kidney problems, offer it some baby food. Older cats with dental issues also get along well with baby food when they refuse to eat cat-food. Check the ingredients list for onion or garlic, as these two strong smelling things are very dangerous for cats.
Now that you’ve solved the mystery, you can try to add one of these foods to your cat’s diet chart. Don’t force your pet to eat, just offer your feline friend one alternative from time to time and see what its tastes in human cuisine are!